
Legal Notice

The Web Page is owned by Mantra Data Centers, which is the commercial brand of Mantra Data Centers Private Limited “MDC”, with registered office at 322 – Tulsiani Chambers, Free Press Journal Marg Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400021, Maharashtra, India. MDC invites you to read carefully the General Terms of Use in this Web Page (“General Terms of Use”) that along with the privacy policy, security and cookies describe the terms and conditions applicable to your navigation through said Web Page and that by using and navigating through it you know and accept all the conditions in its entirety. Since MDC may alter in the future its Terms of Use without prior notice we recommend you to visit and read them regularly in order to be duly informed about the changes made.
With the intent that the use of the Web Page may be adjusted to criteria of transparency, clarity and simplicity MDC informs the User that any suggestion, doubt or query about the General Terms of Use shall be received and answered by contacting MDC through the following email address:


MDC supplies the content and services available in this Web Page subject to these General Terms of Use as well as to the Personal Data Handling Policy (from now on the “Privacy Policy”). Access to this Web Page or its use qualifies you as “User” or “Client” if you decide to contract any of our services, which implies your acceptance without reservations of all and any of these General Terms of Use, which MDC reserves the right to modify at any time without prior notice. Consequently it will be the entire responsibility of any User to read carefully the General Terms of Use in force at every occasion he may access this Web Page, therefore should he not agree with any of the terms here described he must refrain from using it.

Likewise the User is advised that from time to time in the future there may be new conditions or specific alterations for the use of contents and/or specific services within the Web Page; the use of said contents or services shall imply the acceptance of said specific conditions.


Whenever in order to access certain contents or services it may be deemed necessary to provide personal data the Users shall guarantee its veracity, accuracy, authenticity and validity. MDC shall give to said data the corresponding automatic handling based on its nature or purpose as per the terms indicated in the Privacy Policy section, and in any case under the strict compliance of the current regulation in matters of Personal Nature Data Protection.
In those assumptions when a User may freely decide to contact another Web Page hyperlinked through this Web Page he will do it at his own risk, MDC not accepting any liability derived from the relationship arising between the User and the owner of the hyperlinked Web Page.

We inform you that your email address appears within our automatic files exclusively for the purpose of sending to you information on training and informative activities promoted by ourselves. Likewise we inform you that your data may be provided to third parties. You may at any moment exercise your right to access, rectify, right of opposition or repeal of consent, and cancel your personal data.

If you do not want in the future to receive emails about offers and advertising please notify our data base Department to the following email address:


The User accepts that all the contents shown in the Web Page and specially the designs, texts, images, logos, icons, buttons, software, commercial names, brands and any other signs susceptible to be industrial and/or commercial using are subject to Intellectual Property rights, as well as all the brands, commercial names or distinctive signs, all the industrial and intellectual property rights on the contents and/or any elements inserted within the page which are the exclusive property of MDC and/or of third parties, who have the exclusive right to use them. Therefore the User commits not to duplicate, copy, distribute, make available or any other way of publicly communicate, transform or modify said contents, holding MDC harmless from any complaint derived from the un-fulfilment of said obligations.

Under no circumstance the access to the Web Page implies any kind of renunciation, transmission, license or partial or total cession of said rights unless it may be otherwise expressly stipulated. These Web Page General Terms of Use do not confer to the User any other right of use, alteration, duplication, distribution or public communication of the Web Page and/or its Contents different from what is here expressly foreseen. Any other use of any rights shall be subject to the prior and express authorization specifically given for that purpose by MDC or the third party owning said rights.

The contents, texts, photographs, designs, logos, images, software, source codes and in general any intellectual creation existing within this Page as well as the Page itself as a whole as a multimedia artwork are protected as a copyright by the Intellectual Property legislation. MDC owns the elements making up the graphic design of the Web Page, the menus, navigation buttons, the HTML code, the texts, images, textures, graphics and any other content within the Web Page, or in any case has the corresponding authorization to use said elements. The content within the Web Page can’t be duplicated totally or partially, nor transmitted nor registered through any information recovery system under no way nor by any means unless there is a prior written authorization by said entity.

Likewise it is forbidden to suppress, avoid and/or manipulate the “copyright” and the protection technical devices or any information mechanisms that may have the contents. The User of this Web Page commits to respect the outlined rights and to avoid any action that may harm them, in any case MDC reserving the right to whatever legal actions may be appropriate to defend their legal intellectual and industrial property rights.


The User commits to:

  1. To make an appropriate and legal use of the Web Page as well as of the contents and services in accordance to: (i) the applicable legislation at any time; (ii) the Web Page General Terms of Use; (iii) the generally accepted moral codes and norms of good behaviour and (iv) public order.
  2. To have all the means and technical elements needed to access the Web Page.
  3. To provide voluntarily a true information when completing with his/her personal data the forms contained within the Web Page and to keep them updated in a way that they meet at any moment the real condition of the User. The User shall be the only responsible for any untrue or incorrect statement he/she may make and for any harm he/she may cause to MDC or to third party suppliers due to said information.

The User must as well refrain from:

  1. Make an unauthorized or fraudulent use of the Web Page and/or its contents with illegal purposes or effects, or forbidden within these General Terms of Use, or detrimental to third parties rights and interests, or that in any way may harm, render useless, overload, damage or prevent the normal use of the services or documents, files and any kind of contents stored into any kind of IT equipment.
  2. Access or try to access resources or restricted areas within the Web Page without complying with the required conditions for said access.
  3. Cause harm to the physical or logical systems of the Web Page, its suppliers or third parties.
  4. Insert or disseminate within the net any IT virus or any other physical or logical systems that may be used to harm MDC’s physical or logical systems, their suppliers or third parties.
  5. Try to access, use and/or manipulate data belonging to MDC, third party suppliers and other Users.
  6. Duplicate or copy, download contents, distribute, allow access by the public through any kind of public communication, transform or modify the contents unless he/she may have the authorization form the owner of the corresponding rights or it may be legally authorized.
  7. Delete, hide or manipulate the notes about intellectual or industrial rights identifying the rights of MDC or third parties as incorporated within the contents, as well as the protection technical devices or any other information elements that may be inserted within the contents.
  8. Get or try to get the contents by using means or procedures different from those, depending on every case, being at his/her disposition for the purpose or as expressly indicated within the Web Pages those contents may be in or, in general, those used normally within the Internet due to them not meaning a risk of harm or disablement of the web page and/or its contents.

In particular and including but not restricted to, the User commits to not transmitting, disseminate or put at third parties disposition information, data, contents, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings and in general any kind of material that:

If in order to access any of the services and/or contents of the Web Page he/she may be given a password, he/she commits to use it in a diligent manner keeping it secret at any time. The User shall be responsible for its proper safekeeping and confidentiality, committing not to give it to third parties temporarily or permanently, nor to allow access to said services and/or contents by other people. Likewise he/she commits to inform MDC about any fact that may mean a wrongful use of his/her password such as, including but not limited to, its theft, loss or non authorized access in order to immediately cancel it. Whilst the User may not notify the former MDC shall be exempt from any liability derived from the wrongful use of his/her password, being he/she liable for any illegal use of the contents and/or services within the Web Page by an illegitimate third party.

Should he/she in a negligent or fraudulent manner default any of the obligations stated within these General Terms of Use he/she will respond for all harm and damages said default may cause to MDC.


MDC does not guarantee a continuous access nor the correct display, download or usefulness of the elements and information contained within the pages hyperlinked to this Web Page, and that may be hampered, hindered or interrupted due to factors or circumstances out of its control. MDC does not take responsibility for the decisions that may be adopted as a result of the access to contents or information provided through said hyperlinked Pages.

MDC may interrupt the service or terminate immediately the relationship with the User if they detect that the use of their Web Page or of any of the offered services within it is contrary to these General Terms of Use. MDC does not take responsibility for any kind of damages, harm, losses, claims or expenses derived from the use of the Web Page. It shall be responsible only for removing and/or amending as soon as possible the contents that may generate said damages provided that is may be so notified. Especially they shall never be liable for those damages deriving from, amongst others:

  1. Interferences, interruptions, failures, omissions, telephone breakdowns, delays, blocks or disconnections in the operation of the electronic system due to deficiencies, overloadings and errors in the telecommunications lines and networks, or due to any other cause external to the control and/or knowledge of MDC.
  2. Illegitimate meddling by means such of the use of malignant programmes of any type and through any kind of communications mean such as IT virus or any other.
  3. Wrongful or inappropriate misuse of the Web Page.
  4. Security or navigation mistakes due to bad operation of the navigator or due to use of non updated versions. MDC reserves the right to remove total or partially any content or information within the Web Page.

MDC excludes any liability for any damages or harm due to a bad use of the free available services by the Users of the Web Page. Likewise MDC is fully released from any liability due to contents or information that may be received as a result of an illicit or incorrect use of said services, MDC may claim the User for damages caused.

The User shall defend, indemnify and hold MDC harmless of any damages deriving of any claims, actions or suits by third parties as a result of his/her access to the Web Page. Likewise the User commits to indemnify MDC for any damages derived from his/her use of “robots”, “spiders”, “crawlers” or any similar tools used to gather or extract data or any other action that may impose an unreasonable workload on the Web Page operation.


The User commits not to duplicate in no way, not even through a hyperlink, MDC’s Web Page nor any of its contents unless an express written authorization by MDC.

The Web Page may include links to other Web Pages managed by third parties with the goal of facilitate to the User the paperwork related to the services provided. Excepting those cases of services subcontracting, MDC takes no responsibility for the content of said Web Pages nor places itself in a position of guarantor nor/or provider of the services and/or informations that may be

provided to third parties through third party links. Thus any claim related to the services provided through the linked Web Pages must be addressed to the owners of said Web Pages.

The User has a limited, revocable and non exclusive right to create links to the main page of the Web Page exclusively for private and non commercial use. Those Web Pages including a link to our Web Page (i) shall not lead to believe that MDC recommends that Web Page or its services or products; (ii) shall not falsify its relationship with MDC nor affirm that MDC has authorized said link, nor include any brands, names, commercial names, logos or other MDC distinctive sign; (iii) shall not include any contents that may be considered as bad taste, obscene, offensive, controversial, that may incite to violence or discrimination due to sex, race or religion, contrary to law enforcement r illicit; (iv) shall not link to any page of the Web Page different from the main page; (v) shall link to the own address of the web Page, not allowing that the Web Page making the link may duplicate the web Page as part of its web or within one of its “frames” or create a “browser” on any of the pages of the Web Page. MDC may ask at any moment that he/she removes any link to the Web Page after which he/she must remove it immediately. MDC cannot control the information, contents, products or services provided by other web Pages having links with the Web Page.


The services provided through the Web Page have in principle an indefinite duration. Nevertheless MDC may terminate or cancel any of the provided and/or rendered services at any time announcing whenever possible the termination or suspension of the given service.

MDC shall not be liable in case of existing an impossibility to provide the services should this be due to prolonged interruptions of the power supply, telecommunications lines, social conflicts, strikes, rebellion, explosions, floods, acts and omissions of the Government and in general any assumption of force majeure or chance.


On using the Web Page you agree to and accept these terms of use as a whole, which constitutes a full agreement between you and MDC and replaces any previous agreement.

These terms of use and the privacy policy are governed by the Indian regulations and any dispute, controversy, trial or claims of any nature arising from or in any way related to these terms of use and the privacy policy shall be solved in accordance with the Courts of Mumbai who shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to solve any dispute.

Should any clause within these terms of use or privacy policy be invalid, illegal or non feasible in any aspect under the Indian law, the validity, legality and applicability under the law of said jurisdiction or any other regulation, and the validity, legality and applicability under the law of any other jurisdiction of this or any other regulation shall not be concerned or harmed in no way.

In the event that any clause within these General Terms of Use may be non enforceable or void according to the applicable legislation or as a result of a judicial or administrative decision, said non enforceability or nullity shall not make these General Terms of Use may be non enforceable or

void as a whole. In said cases MDC shall modify or replace said clause for another valid and enforceable that to the extent possible may achieve the aim and intent stated in the original clause.


If any of the informations you have provided to MDC changes, as instance if you change your email address or if you wish to cancel your subscription, please let us know by sending an email to


If you want to enter in contact with MDC for any query or comment related to our Terms of Use, Legal Notice, Privacy Policy and/or Cookies Information, please send an email to